Rev. 1.1E
Manual ME-5001
Page 26
Meilhaus Electronic
: If the frequency and duty cycle are the magnitudes you want, these
can easily be calculated from the values returned for
. The
formula is:
Frequency [Hz] = 1/period [s]
Duty cycle [%] = ("duration of the first phase of the period" [s] /
period [s])
Pulse Generator
In the pulse generator operating mode (FO = "Frequency Output") you
can output rectangular signals with a variable duty cycle at frequencies of
up to 5.5 MHz and with a resolution of 1 tick. On the ME-5001, all 8
pulse generator channels (FO_0…7) are addressed as subdevices of type
ME_TYPE_FO, subtype ME_SUBTYPE_SINGLE. Each channel can
be programmed independently.
The first phase of the rectangular signal is "high" by default. By setting
the ME_IO_SINGLE_TYPE_FO_START_LOW flag it is also possible
to start the output with a "low" level.
All the pulse generator channels can be started synchronously or inde-
pendent form each other.
An output channel can also be read back!