Step by step initial configuration guide
At this point the controller should be wired correctly.
Now open TunerStudio and start a new project. After you have successfully connected to the
DBWX2 controller the first thing to do is calibrate the DBW throttlebody.
Open the “DBW1” or “DBW2” menu and click on the “DBW auto min/max”
When you open this setting you will find that it says ready to
calibrate and AVR protection enabled. This means that the
throttlebody cannot yet be calibrated as the AVR co-cpu will
interfere with the calibration. We will now disable the AVR
co-cpu, so that we can proceed with the DBW throttlebody
This is done from “Fault Codes” -> AVR Fault codes. You will
find a button that is labeled “Disable AVR CPU”. Click on it and
you will see the text in the throttlebody calibration menu
change to “AVR Protection disabled” and change color to blue
from yellow. Also you will get a faultcode in the AVR indicating
that the protection features is disabled.
Now you can press on the “Calibrate DBW” button and the
controller will automatically drive the DBW throttlebody to the
maximum and minimum positions and save the calibrated sensor settings.
Do this for both DBW throttlebodies if you have more than one connected.
NOTE: When calibrating the DBW Throttle butterly should first go in to the fully open position and
after that it should fully close. If you have the motor positive and negative wires crossed it will
calibrate the throttlebody so that 0% is fully open and vice versa.
It is the responsibility of the
installer to check that the operation is correct
Next step is to calibrate the accelerator pedal.