micro SD card(current build require photos to reside in the
PHOTO folder of the NAND and micro SD card)will be
(d) For music, open MUSIC PLAYER. Displays music files in
NAND or micro SD card (current build require music files to
reside in the MUSIC folder of the NAND or micro SD card)
* Please note : For permanent storage of files/folders in the
PICO they must reside in the NAND memory (internal memory).
Connecting to External Sources
1. Power up the Pico Projector.
2. Bring up the mode select window by opening MODE SELECT.
3. (a) Computer : Plug the 15pin VGA connector to a
computer and the connector on the other end of the cable to
the Pico AV/VGA input. On the computer open the MOBILITY
CENTRE, connect display then select output options. Set
display settings to 800x600 or 1024x768). In the MODE
SELECT window of the PICO select the corresponding output
options from the computer, the projected image should be
the selected output option of the computer.
(b) CVBS(composite video) : Connect the RCA plugs to the