Table of contents
Description 7
Package contents 7
Patient identification card 7
Device specifications 7
Declaration of conformity 10
Instructions for use 11
Charging the neurostimulator battery 11
Verifying neurostimulator operation 11
Connecting the extension to the neurostimulator 12
Implanting the neurostimulator 14
Checking system integrity 15
Completing the implant procedure 15
Refer to the indications sheet for indications and related information.
Refer to the appropriate information for prescribers booklet and any additional
associated product information for contraindications, warnings, precautions,
component disposal, and other important device therapy information.
Refer to the MRI Guidelines for Medtronic Deep Brain Stimulation Systems
instructions for use manual for the MRI conditions and MRI-specific
contraindication, warnings, and precautions for conducting an MRI scan.
Refer to System Eligibility, Battery Longevity, Specifications reference manual for
neurostimulator selection and battery longevity calculations.
Refer to the clinical summary booklet for information on the clinical study
results of the neurostimulation system.