Figure 2.
Tightening the setscrews in the self-sealing grommet.
Implanting the neurostimulator
Place the neurostimulator into the subcutaneous pocket with the Medtronic logo facing
outward, away from muscle tissue, and ensure that the extension is not bent sharply.
Ensure that the neurostimulator is placed no deeper than 1 cm (0.4 in) below
the skin and is parallel to the skin. If the neurostimulator is too deep or is not
parallel to the skin, recharge may be inefficient or unsuccessful.
Position the neurostimulator with the Medtronic logo facing outward. If
implanted with the Medtronic logo facing inward, the neurostimulator will be
difficult to charge.
Do not coil excess extension in front of the neurostimulator. Wrap excess
extension around the perimeter (Figure 3) of the neurostimulator to minimize
subcutaneous pocket depth, help minimize potential damage during
neurostimulator replacement surgery, help minimize potential kinking of the
extension, and minimize interference with telemetry and recharge operation.
Excess extension should not exceed two wraps around the perimeter of the
neurostimulator. Extension lengths requiring more than two wraps can
interfere with telemetry.