13 of 40
1300 884 987
Internet: www.medion.com.au
After Sales Support
Important notes after diving:
• Do not open the cover until all foreign
substances are washed off with water and
all moisture is wiped off with a dry, soft
• If you open the cover before the camera
is thoroughly dried, water droplets may
reach the interior of the camera and could
cause damage to the camera.
3.5. Never carry out repairs
Never try to open or repair the
camera yourself. There is a risk of
electric shock.
• If there is a fault, contact the MEDION
Service Centre.
86692 50044461 EN ALDI AUS Content final.indd 13
86692 50044461 EN ALDI AUS Content final.indd 13
17.09.2013 07:55:28
17.09.2013 07:55:28