Quality Messages and Quality Grades
EasyOne Pro™ / EasyOne Pro™ LAB
5.4 FRC Quality Messages
Recommended action
FRC(MBW) Warning:
Extrapolated volume
computation failed
(set to zero)!
The extrapolated volume could
not be calculated.
Contact service.
FRC(MBW) Warning:
Extrapolated volume
computation too
high (set to zero)!
The extrapolated volume (i.e., the
volume that would be washed out
after cancellation of the test) is
greater than 1 liter.
Do not stop too soon.
FRC(MBW) Warning:
Inspiratory gas leak!
Air entered from outside during
The end-inspiratory molar mass
deviates from the tracer gas molar
mass by more than 0.2 g/mol.
This is indicative of air drawn in
from outside during inspiration.
FRC barriette™
: are valves
jammed or was the
FRC barri-
not been properly inserted?
Check position of
of nose clip.
Ask patient to breathe calmly.
FRC(MBW) Warning:
In- or expiratory pres-
sure too high!
Pressure in sensor tube is too
The pressure in the sensor tube
exceeds ±5 mbar; possible rea-
sons are:
1) Insufficient pressure at the O2
gas port.
2) Patient's breaths are too deep;
the respiratory resistance and
thus the pressure drop increase
from about 2 l/s.
Check O2 gas supply: Is the inlet
pressure 3 bar? Only minimal
pressure variations are allowed
during the test.
Is the patient's breathing too
deep/too fast?
Ask the patient to breathe within
the limits of ±1.5 l/s.
FRC(MBW) Warning:
Side-Stream Flow out
of range!
During the test, the gas extraction
was not within the limits of 7.5
and 13 ml/s.
Contact service.
FRC(MBW) Warning:
CO2 sensor scaling
Automatic scaling of the CO
nal failed.
Contact service.
FRC(MBW) Warning:
Tracer concentration
at test end too high!
No breath with an N
tion below 2% was measured.
Repeat test.