© 05.2022
4.5 Safety in Operation
The device may only be used when all protective devices on the device or in the system are fully functional.
At least once a year, the device must be inspected for externally visible damage and for proper functioning
by a representative of the manufacturer or by a qualified person.
A more frequent inspection may become necessary, depending on the system conditions.
4.6 What to Do in Case of Danger
Information on what is to be done in case of danger and in case of accidents can be found in the respective operator's or
specialist companies' work instructions.
5 Responsibility of the Operator
An operator is a person who operates the device himself/herself for commercial or economic purposes
or leaves it to a third party for use/application and is legally responsible for the safety of the user, the
personnel or third parties during operation.
The device is used in the commercial sector. The operator of the device is therefore subject to the legal
obligations for occupational safety. In addition to the safety instructions contained in these instructions,
the established maintenance intervals must be observed, taking into account the respective national
standard (alarm and hazard prevention plan).
In particular, the following applies:
The operator is obliged to perform work on MEDENUS
devices during the warranty period only
after consultation with the manufacturer. Otherwise the claims under warranty will become
The operator must obtain information on the current occupational safety regulations and
determine additional hazards resulting from the special work conditions at the place of use of
the device in a risk assessment. The owner must implement the results in the form of operating
instructions for the device.
During the entire time of use of the device, the operator must check whether the operating
instructions issued by him/her conform to the current state of the regulations and, if necessary,
adapt them.
The operator must clearly regulate and define the responsibilities for installation, operation,
troubleshooting, maintenance and cleaning.
The operator must ensure that all persons handling the device have read and understood these
instructions. In addition, the owner must train the personnel at regular intervals and inform
them about the hazards.
The operator must make available to the personnel the required protective equipment and
oblige them to wear the required protective equipment.
Moreover, the operator is responsible for the device always being in technically perfect condition.
Therefore, the following applies:
The operator must make sure that the maintenance intervals described in these instructions
are observed.
The operator must have all safety devices checked regularly for functionality and completeness.