Medem (UK) Limited
L&M Business Park , Norman Road
Altrincham, Cheshire,
WA14 4ES
Tel: +44 (0) 161 233 0600
Fax:+44 (0) 161 233 0601
e-mail:[email protected]
Cert No. 10213
Design Features
Ventilation interlock
of the kitchen fans by current monitoring or air flow, with fan status
displayed on the easy to use LCD.
Gas & electric isolation
of a kitchen in one control panel, provides control for use and an
individual isolation point for an emergency.
CO2 monitoring
enables demand based ventilation control and monitoring of CO2 levels
prescribed by the HSE and Technical Bulletin 140.
Additionally with the installation of CO2 detectors
secondary Interlocking
be used. This
means with a correctly designed interlock system should there be a mechanical ventilation
failure a 24hr allowance is available to interlock on the CO2 level. Using the secondary
interlocking method it is imperative that the system is designed such that a interlock is not
initiated without the correct CO2 levels being monitored and should a 5000ppm level be
reached the gas must be isolated.
people and property by testing for leaks and open appliances before allowing gas
available by using Medem
true differential
gas pressure measuring
across the
solenoid valve. This eliminates
nuisance tripping
of the gas supply as can happen with
mechanical switches.
Extremely simple to use,
LCD panel tells the operator its status and what to do, with
connections to a BMS and an internal an audible buzzer.
Continual dynamic
monitoring of the inlet pressure ensures a
low pressure
of 12mbar or
less causes an isolation of the gas solenoid valve to prevent the risk of Bunsen burners
Over pressure
of 70mbar. or above would also cause an isolation, this is to protect
operators or equipment from a over specked high gas pressure.
proving time, typically 50 seconds from switch on to ready for use.
In the event of a fire alarm test being undertaken the system can be set into a
fire test
mode, once the test is completed the panel will revert to normal operation and
be included in a fire alarm activation.
As a guidance,
an engineer,
can see classroom & valve seat gas leakage on the LCD.
shut off button, more can be added all low voltage.
Gas detection
of Natural gas, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Oxygen and L.P.G
Auto stop timer
no complicated timer resetting, protects building out of hours.