page 5
The 15pin connector on the top
of the AFTI is used for a number of
different purposes. If a cable is
connecting the AFTI directly to a
PC, then this port is not available
to connect the AFTI to the Vortex.
Adjusting Height of
port of a PC calculated from speed. This can be achieved in
one of two ways:
a) via a cable connecting the 9pin D-
connector at the rear of the Vortex to the RS232
b) via a cable connecting the AFTI directly to the
RS232 port of a PC
There is no hardware in the Vortex which can generate serial
data, this function is performed by the AFTI; consequently:
• Unless an appropriate cable is connecting the
AFTI and the Vortex, no RS232 data can be
downloaded from the 9pin port of the Vortex.
• Although a rotation value is displayed on the
Vortex, this cannot be downloaded to a PC
Before a specimen can be correctly located in the lower
gripping fixture, the crosshead will need to be adjusted to an
approximately suitable height. Use one hand to slacken off
both side adjuster knobs (B), while supporting the weight of the
crosshead with the other hand. Gently raise / lower the
crosshead and re-tighten the side adjuster knobs to secure.