Multitest 0.5d, 1d & 2.5d
Service and Repair Manual
Number 022-005
Issue Number: 08
Page 50 of 58
Checking firmware with HyperTerminal / FUNterm.
It the stand is not functioning correctly, the firmware can be checked for corruption
using HyperTerminal.
Important note for Vista users
HyperTerminal® is no longer part of Windows Vista
onwards, it is now only available commercially. However HyperTerminal® consists of
two files - hypertrm.dll and hypertrm.exe on an XP system that may run on Vista.
(This is likely to be in breach of the Microsoft Windows® licensing.)
Although HyperTerminal® is intended for testing communications the methods in this
guide can used as a method of obtaining data from the device.
Important notes about the communications setting.
Before carrying out testing
using HyperTerminal® all programs should be closed.
If this is not possible ensure all programs that use COM ports are closed. Failure to
do this will result in communications not working or corrupted data.
If you need to change communications settings this must be done inside
HyperTerminal® not in Device Manager although the properties screen may look
similar (shown below).
To communicate set HyperTerminal to
Baud rate 9600 (this is the stands default setting) 8 data bits, parity-none,
Stop bits
– 1
In the Settings tab, ensure the send line ends with line feeds and Echo typed
characters locally check boxes and ticked.