Air & Surface Steriliser System
The following are general guidelines for the operator of the unit. If any questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact
Mechline or your Mechline dealer.
9.4.1 How do I know the HyGenikx unit is working?
Firstly, the green cross light indicator will be illuminated on the front of the unit to show the product is operating.
After 12 months of use the built-in warning system will tell you when the lamp (and battery) requires
replacement to ensure peak efficiency.
There will be a definite change in the environmental air quality. Internal environments that have a usual lingering
background odour, whether from cooking/food, body odour, cleaning products, waste material, or a combination
of these, will smell noticeably fresher. This change will be most obvious at the start of a working day, clearly
demonstrating the unit is working.
Areas where it is easier to monitor performance are those with obvious odour issues, such as a washroom,
changing room or bin store. Here, odours will be significantly reduced or eliminated completely.
9.4.2 How are your products different to fragrance units?
(General) They go far beyond odour control. Rather than masking odours they remove smells by targeting and
killing the root cause, which is usually microorganisms. (Food) In food storage microorganisms are responsible for
spoilage and the shortening of food life. Independent testing has demonstrated how we extend food life
(specifically vegetables and soft fruits) by reducing the microorganisms. Note: This unit is not to replace product
“use by” date.
9.4.3 What do they smell like? Is there a fragrance?
The absence of unpleasant background odours is usually the first thing customers notice. The 'smell' is described
as "clean and fresh" and has often been likened to mountain air. No masking fragrances are used. Note: Within
the first 48 hours of use it is not unusual for the unit to produce a slightly metallic odour, this is caused by the lamp
bedding in. This should dissipate within 48 hours.
9.4.4 In addition to odours, what are the microorganisms that are reduced by this technology?
Bacteria, Viruses, Mould, Fungi. Multiple independent tests demonstrate the efficacy against the most prevalent
of these including Listeria, E coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermis, Aspergillus fumigatus, MS-2
Coliphage, MRSA and Clostridium difficile.
9.4.5 Does air need to pass through a unit to be sanitised?
No, our technology uses both internal and external processes so although contaminates passing through the unit
will be sanitised, it also produces cleaning air which circulates throughout. This is why HyGenikx can cover such a
large area.
9.4.6 Will units reduce bacteria on walls and surfaces or just in the air?
Cleaning air from the unit will target and reduce all contamination wherever the ‘clean’ air can reach. Test results
show substantial reduction in both air and surface contamination in relatively short periods of time.
9.4.7 How would you explain your technology in simple terms?
The specialist Germicidal UV lamp combined with Titanium Dioxide catalyst cleaning plates eliminate any odours
and harmful microorganisms drawn into the unit. The lamp also produces a purifying plasma (Plasma Quatro),
which convects from the unit and circulates around the room sanitising the air and surfaces. Part of the process
also has an ionising effect, which will reduce the amount of airborne dust and debris.
9.4.8 Can you explain your technology in more depth?
HyGenikx units are fitted with powerful dual waveband Ultraviolet lamps. A high-intensity broad spectrum
ultraviolet lamp, with UVC 254 nm germicidal light wavelengths is the first part of photocatalytic air purification
technology. A wider set of ultraviolet wavelength 185 nm are employed for catalyst activation. Although UV light
alone will degrade toxic organic compounds, reaction rates are much faster with photocatalytic assistance.
The catalyst material in the HyGenikx [photocatalytic purifier] is Titanium Dioxide, TiO2.