After reading from the RKP-CMU1, the data will be arranged in ascending order of Log No.. Sorting the data into other
orders is also possible by clicking the column headers. Clicking the "Save Log" button can save the data onto your PC.
6.3.6 Data Log Page
The Data Log will save operating data at regular intervals set by "Data log interval". The Data Log is capable of saving
1000 records, but if the stored data is over its capacity, it will overwrite the previous data, from the first record. The contents
that Data Log stores include AC voltage, relay condition, condition of digital input signal, output voltage, total output
current, each PSU's currents, and time. If you would like to check the data that Data Log has stored, click the "Read Log".
After reading from the RKP-CMU1, the data will be arranged in ascending order of Log No.. Sorting the data into other
orders is also possible by clicking the column headers. Clicking the "Save Log" button can save the data onto your PC.
Save button
Sorting data can be done by clicking a column header
Blank area, if it is not used
Blank page before reading data
Read button