Technical Manual Temperature Controller
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49
• [email protected] • www.mdt.de
4.5 Controller settings
4.5.1 Control value
The following settings are available at the ETS-Software:
Figure 17: Control value
The following chart shows the dynamic range for this parameter:
Dynamic range
[default value]
Control value
PI control continuous
PI control switching (PWM)
2-step control (switching)
The control variable defines the used
control method.
Table 33: Control value
The controller contains of three different controlling methods, which control the control value.
Further parameterization options are dependent to the adjusted control method. The following
controller can be chosen:
PI control continuous [
PI control switching (PWM) [
4.5.3 PI control switching (PWM)
2-step control (switching) [
4.5.4 2-step control (switching)
The following chart shows the relevant communication objects:
Control value heating
1 Byte/
1 Bit
controlling of the actuator for heating
Control value heating/cooling
1 Byte/
1 Bit
controlling of the combined actuator for
heating and cooling
Control value cooling
1 Byte/
1 Bit
controlling of the actuator for cooling
Table 34: Communication objects control value
According to the adjusted controller type, the control value controls a heating and/or a cooling
process. If the control value is chosen as PI control continuous, the communication objects will have
the size of 1 Byte, because the object can assume several states. If the control value is chosen as PI
control switching or 2-step control, the communication object will have the size of 1 Bit, because the
communication object can only assume the states on or off.