Technical Manual Temperature Controller
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49
• [email protected] • www.mdt.de
4.4.6 Dead zone
The following settings are available at the ETS-Software:
Figure 14: Dead zone
The following chart shows the dynamic range for this parameter:
Dynamic range
[default value]
Dead zone between heating
and cooling (K)
Dynamic range for the dead zone
(Range at which the controller does not
activate cooling or heating)
Table 30: Dead zone
The settings for the dead zone are only available, when the controller type (have a look at 4.4.1
controller type) was set as heating and cooling. Now the dead zone can be parameterized.
The dead zone describes the range at which the controller neither heats nor cools. So the controller
sends no value to the control value, when he is in the dead zone. At the setting for the dead zone, it
is to note, that a value which was chosen too small causes many switches between heating and
cooling. Whereas, a too big chosen value causes a wide range of the current room temperature.
When the controller is set as heating and cooling, the basic comfort setpoint is always the setpoint
for heating. The setpoint for the cooling is given by the summation of basic comfort setpoint and
dead zone. So, when the basic comfort setpoint is set to 21°C and the dead zone is set to 3K, the
setpoint for heating is 21°C and the setpoint for cooling is 24°C.