• Occasionally, whistling may
occur when you have a blockage
of wax in the ear canal from a
cold or any condition that causes
sound to be reflected from the
ear canal. In these cases, the fit
may be fine and the whistling will
disappear when the condition
is corrected.
• Check for any cracks in the Tubing
or the Earhook. For optimal
performance, the Hearing Aid Ear
Domes and Tubing should be
replaced every 3-6 months.
• Lower the volume if it is set too high.
• Clean any wax that may be
interfering with the Hearing Aid.
(See enclosed Cleaning Tool.)
If you still are having difficulty
fitting your Hearing Aids please
contact MDHearingAid
Service at
or call
for guidance.
The office hours are Monday to
Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm (CST).
• Whistling (feedback) occurs when
amplified sound returns to the
microphone and is re-amplified.
Most hearing aids will whistle until
it is properly fitted on your ear.
• Confirm that the Hearing Aid is
working properly by removing the
Aid and covering the end of the
Tubing or attached Ear Dome
with your finger. The whistling
should stop.
• Try reinserting the Ear Dome
into ear so it fits better. If that
doesn’t work, try a different
size Ear Dome.
• Make sure you cut the Tubing to
the proper length. If the Tubing
is too long, it may cause the Ear
Dome to become dislodged from
the ear canal and cause whistling.
1. Instrument makes a whistling sound