Do not start the SEASONPAK air cooled water chiller F.
until the following steps have been completed.
Check all auxiliary components of the installation.
Open the compressor suction and discharge shut
off valves until back seated. Back seating the
valve closes the gauge ports; however, if gauges
are provided, close valve one turn toward the closed H.
Always replace seal caps.
Open the manual liquid line shut off valve at the
Check that circuit breakers and system switch are J .
in “off” position. Throw the main power disconnect
to “on”. K.
Check to see that the water temperature thermo-
stat is installed in the entering water line. The L.
thermostat well is to be full of heat conducting
compound and the bulb must be secured with the
retaining fitting.
Check the compressor oil level. Prior to start-up,
the oil level should be visible in the oil sight-
Check the main system on-off switch to see that it
is in the “off’ position. The pumpdown switches
should be thrown to the “manual” position.
Check resets of all safety controls.
Check if crankcase heaters havewarmed the crank-
case of compressors. Start the auxiliary equipment
for the installation.
Set the circuit breakers to “on” position.
Turn on the system by pushing the system “on-
switch to “on”.
S t a r t unit(s) by turning pumpdown switches to
“auto” position.
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