Infrared Tympanic Electronic Thermometer
In ear (EAR) mode, the display will indicate the absolute temperature without adjustment.
In oral (ORL) mode, the tympanic temperature is adjusted to display an oral temperature equivalent. Oral Mode =
Ear Mode + 0.60°C.
In axillary (AX) mode, the tympanic temperature is adjusted to display an axillary temperature equivalent.
Axillary Mode = Ear Mode + 0.04°C.
** In neonates the axillary equivalence is recommended because it is the current standard in neonates.
In core (CORE) mode, the tympanic temperature is adjusted to display the core temperature equivalent.
Core Mode = Ear Mode + 1.04°C.
In rectal (REC) mode, the tympanic temperature is adjusted to display the rectal temperature equivalent.
Rectal Mode = Ear Mode + 1.16°C.
Probe Covers
The Infrared Tympanic Electronic Thermometer utilizes a single use disposable probe cover during temperature
measurement. The probe cover was designed especially for use with the Infrared Tympanic Electronic
Thermometer. The use of probe covers produced by any company except PSS World Medical, Inc. will result in
erroneous temperature measurement. In order to aid in infection prevention and control, always install a new
probe cover prior to taking a temperature. The probe covers are contained in a cassette that is located in the
thermometer base. To load a probe cover on the thermometer, firmly insert the probe tip into the probe cover.
When installed on the thermometer, the probe cover membrane should be smooth with no holes, tears, or
wrinkles. After the patient temperature has been taken, eject the probe cover by pressing the eject button and then
dispose of properly.
Temperature Measurement
1. Remove the Infrared Tympanic Electronic Thermometer from the base.
2. Inspect the probe lens. If any debris is present, clean the probe tip per the
directions in Section VII, Cleaning. If the probe tip is clean, proceed to step 3.
3. Install a probe cover by firmly inserting the probe tip into a probe cover. After
the probe cover is installed, the thermometer will perform a system reset.
The thermometer will then display dashes, the equivalence mode, and the
thermometer icon.
4. Inspect the probe cover to make sure it is fully seated (no space between cover
and tip base) and no holes, tears, or wrinkles are present in the plastic film.
º F C º
C º