Infrared Tympanic Electronic Thermometer
Section IX — Mounting Instructions
If using the wall or cart mount options (sold separately) for the base unit, consult the installation sheet provided with the
respective system.
Section X — Troubleshooting
If the Infrared Tympanic Electronic Thermometer is not functioning properly, check the following items:
Temperature reading unusually high
Check the probe cover for tears or gaps
Temperature reading unusually low
Check the probe cover and thermometer tip for
obstructions. Check the patient ear canal for obstructions.
Low battery indicator lit
Replace battery
Dead battery indicator lit
Replace battery
Display blank
Replace battery
System error displayed
If system error “4”, then let the thermometer equilibrate in
the room for 20 minutes before using. For all other system
errors, reset the thermometer by installing a probe cover.
If the system error does not clear, send the thermometer to
the facility Biomedical Engineering department or contact
the factory for available service options. The service
information is located in Section XII, Customer Service.
The Infrared Tympanic Electronic Thermometer advisory and alarm conditions are described in the Thermometer
Display Icons and Alarms subheading of Section V, Instructions for Use.
Section XI — Specifications
Clinical accuracy characteristics and procedures are available from the manufacturer on request. To verify
accuracy, use a certified blackbody as specified in EN 12470-5-2003, Annex C.
Calibrated Accuracy Limits:
Ambient Temperature
Target Temperature
36.7°C to 38.9°C
± 0.1°C
(98.1°F to 102°F)
(± 0.2°F)
16°C to 33°C
33°C to 42°C
± 0.2°C
(60.8°F to 91.4°F)
(91.4°F to 107.6°F)
(± 0.4°F)