Calculate Recommended Gauge Pressures
A total of four interfacial pressures can be entered; heat pressure,
soak pressure, fuse pressure, and cool pressure. To skip a
pressure, simply press <N>. An interfacial pressure that is
skipped will not be displayed or printed out. Entering zero (0)
pressure is not the same as skipping a pressure. Zero (0) pressure
is a valid entry, and the resulting recommended pressure is the
sum of the calculated pressure, which is 0, and the drag pressure
entered later on.
Measuring Drag
Use the fusion machine controls to measure drag using the
following procedure.
Move the carriage so that the inner jaws are approximately 3"
Shift the carriage control valve to the middle (neutral) position.
Select the heating mode, and adjust the middle pressure reducing
valve to its lowest pressure by turning the valve counterclockwise.
Shift the carriage control valve to the left.
Gradually increase the pressure by turning the valve clockwise.
Increase the pressure until the carriage moves.
Quickly reduce the heating pressure by turning the valve
clockwise until the carriage is just barely moving.
Record this drag pressure.
To read the drag pressure you can use either the pressure gauge
on the fusion machine or the pressure display on the screen. After
measuring drag, enter the drag pressure using the DataLogger
keyboard. If you do not enter a drag pressure value, the default
pressure of 30psi will be used.
The DataLogger
records actual hydraulic cylinder pressure.
When you are analyzing the pressure profile recorded by the
DataLogger™ you must subtract the drag pressure from the
recorded pressure to get the actual fusion pressure.
5 - 2
1 8 0 C a l c u l a t e G a u g e
p r e s s u r e s ?
P r e s s < Y > o r < N >
1 6 0 D r a g P r e s s u r e :
D r a g : _ P S I
St a n d a r d : 3 0 P S I
C a r r i a g e : 0 P S I
Use numeric keys.
Press <ENTER> when done