Issue a Read WCR command to a Xicor X9241 at slave address 0x50.
Command: /X S ~50 ~90 ~R P [CR]
Response: /XCCAA~xx[CR]
‘(xx = 00...FF)
Issue an Increment Wiper command to a Xicor X9241 at slave address 0x50.
Command: /X S ~50 ~20 1 P [CR]
Response: /XCCAA[CR]
Issue a Decrement Wiper command to a Xicor X9241 at slave address 0x50.
Command: /X S ~50 ~20 0 P [CR]
Response: /XCCAA[CR]
Display Tx bYte Count
Returns the number of bytes received by the slave device in the last master transmit
message, with an option to received the state of the last received Acknowledgment
Note: The byte count and last received acknowledgment bit state can be used for
SMBus Packet Error Control (PEC) error detection. See SMBus v1.1+
specifications for details.
Command: /(*)Y[CR]
‘Tx bYte Count (* = with last received Ack bit)
Response: /TBCn[CR]
'n =00000...32767
Response: /TBCn(A|N)[CR]
'n =00000...32767, A = ACK, N = NACK