unique high end audio
mbl 101 E MKII
1.4 Listener´s position
Eventually find out about the optimal listener’s position.
The distance between the listener’s position and each speaker should be the same as the distance be-
tween the two speakers (a), i.e. the listener sits at the top of an equilateral triangle.
The distance from the rear wall to the listener‘s position (c) should be at least 0,8 meters (32’’).
1.5 Setup and fine-tuning
After you figured out the speaker´s position, install your hi-fi system and set up the speakers.
For a fine-tuning slightly move the speakers symmetrically around the initial position and/or play with
the toe-in angle.
If you have chosen the optimal configuration, you can screw the spikes in the speaker, depending on
what type of floor you have (see 4.1 Spikes).
Run the speakers for at least 100 hours and do another fine-tuning, if necessary.