1032538 Rev. B 1/08
1. Horn honks 4 times & vehicle does not start - No tachometer signal learned to DNA card.
a. Ensure good connection and correct vehicle wire at PCM (See Step 1).
b. Re-program tachometer signal (See Step 3).
2. Starter cranks too long during Remote Start.
a. Re-program tachometer signal (See Step 3) and allow engine to warm up to a normal idle rate (Less than 1000
3. Ignition turns on, then horn honks 2 times & vehicle does not start - Key-in-sense circuit activated.
a. Remove ignition key from ignition cylinder.
4. Horn honks 2 times & vehicle does not start - Safety input activated or Service/Valet Mode engaged.
a. Ensure hood is closed and hood switch is adjusted properly (See Step 18 of Installation Instructions).
b. Ensure brake pedal is not depressed.
c. Ensure good connection and correct vehicle brake wire (See Step 10 of Installation Instructions).
d. Disengage Service/Valet Mode (See Page 4 of Owner’s Manual).
5. Ignition turns on, Theft indicator is flashing & vehicle does not start - Immobilizer Interface issue.
a. Ensure 4-way connector is engaged into the remote start control module properly (See Step 4 of Installation
b. Ensure Immobilizer Interface Ribbon Cable is installed properly (See Step 8 of Installation Instructions).
c. Double-wrap the Immobilizer Interface Ribbon Cable to create two loops around the immobilizer antenna coil.
d. Re-program immobilizer interface (See Step 15 of Installation Instructions).
6. Engine starts and stalls up to 5 times without the engine staying running - No tachometer signal learned to DNA card.
a. Ensure good connection and correct vehicle wire at PCM (See Step 1).
b. Re-program tachometer signal (See Step 3).