Service Contract
Device Details
Product Name:
CX 4.3F
Serial Number:
Date of Purchase:
Type of Use:
Private Use
Personal Details
First Name:
Post Code / Town/City:
Fax. No.*:
Product Group:
Invoice Number:
Where Purchased:
Commercial Use
Contact Person:
Second Name:
House Number:
Mobile No.*:
* The fields marked with an asterisk are optional. The remaining fields are mandatory fields that must be completed.
Fault Description
Please enter a short description of the error as precisely as possible below:
(For example, when, where and how does the error occur? Frequency, after which period, at what Use, etc ....)
A copy of the proof of purchase / invoice / receipt is attached.
I accept the General Terms and Conditions of MAXXUS® Group GmbH & Co. KG.
I hereby instruct the company MAXXUS® Group GmbH & Co. KG to repair the above defects. In Warranty cases I will not be charged
for the cost. The costs for repairs which are excluded from liability for defects in quality will be charged to me and must be settled
immediately. In cases of repairs carried out on site, our staff are entitled to collect payment. This agreement is confirmed with here with
my signature.
Please be aware that contracts can only be processed if this form has been completed in full. Be sure to attach a copy of your purchase
invoice. Send the fully completed Service Contract to:
*: Maxxus Group GmbH & Co KG, Service Department, Zeppelinstr. 2, 64331 Weiterstadt
: +49 (0) 6151 39735 400
* Please stamp with sufficient postage – letters which are not sent postage paid will unfortunately not be accepted.
** Submission by E-Mail is only possible as a scanned document with original signature.
You are welcome to use our online form “Service Contract” which you will find under the “Service” section at www.maxxus.com