Product Description
Maxtor MaXLine II 250/300GB
• Index detection
• Spin speed control
• Seeks
• Servo
• 48-bit addressing
Subsystem Configuration
Dual Drive Support
Two drives may be accessed via a common interface cable, using the
same range of I/O addresses. The drives have a jumper configuration as
device 0 or 1 (Master/Slave), and are selected by the drive select bit in
the Device/Head register of the task file.
All Task File registers are written in parallel to both drives. The interface
processor on each drive decides whether a command written to it
should be executed; this depends on the type of command and which
drive is selected. Only the drive selected executes the command and
activates the data bus in response to host I/O reads; the drive not
selected remains inactive.
A master/slave relationship exists between the two drives: device 0 is
the master and device 1 the slave. When the Master is closed (factory
default, figure 2-1), the drive assumes the role of master; when open,
the drive acts as a slave. In single drive configurations, the Master
jumper must be closed.
Cable Select Option
CSEL (cable select) is an optional feature per ANSI ATA specification.
Drives configured in a multiple drive system are identified by CSEL’s
– If CSEL is grounded, then the drive address is 0.
– If CSEL is open, then the drive address is 1.