Motherboard Design Guide
maxon motor control
ESCON Servo Controller
Document ID: rel4734
ESCON Module 50/5 Hardware Reference
Edition: November 2014
© 2014 maxon motor. Subject to change without prior notice.
Motherboard Design Guide
The following provides helpful information on integrating the ESCON Module 50/5 on a printed circuit
board. The «Motherboard Design Guide» contains recommendations for the layout of the motherboard
and specifies external components that may be required, pin assignments, and connection examples.
Bring in additional Support:
If you are not trained in the design and development of printed circuit boards, you will need additional
support for this point.
maxon motor will be happy to provide you with a quote for designing and manufacturing a motherboard
for your specific application.
Dangerous Action
Errors in implementing the Design can result in serious Injury!
• Only proceed if you are skilled in electronics design!
• Designing a printed circuit board requires special skills and knowledge and may only be performed
by experienced electronic developers!
• This quick guide is only intended as an aid, does not make any claim to completeness, and will not
automatically result in a functional component!