m a x A I 4 3 0 & m a x A I 4 3 0 v T E C H N I C A L M A N U A L
Rev A 8/24/2020
3.3 Accessing the Video Input
The camera video can be configured to be activated by the Keypad 2
button or by a CAN message from
channel 0 or channel 1 from the
PC Configuration Tool
When video is configured to keypad the camera icon
can be found at the bottom of any of the main
screens, and it can be activated from by pressing the 2
button. This will switch to video mode and
display the video from the attached camera. Press any of the other 3 buttons to return to return. For best
video experience, use a camera with 420 lines of resolution.
When video is configured to CAN message the camera icon will not be present and the cluster will switch
to video mode when ever the configured CAN message is received with the proper value, if the value of
the CAN message is different than the one that was configured, then video mode will be canceled and the
cluster will return to the previous screen before activating the video.
3.4 Accessing the Menu
To enter the menu from any of the main screens, press the 3
button and the 4 menu options will be