(Note: As you press the lower wing panels firmly against the fuselage,
carefully align the lower wing panel’s dowel pins with the
in the fuselage.)
Cut away the Mylar covering the slotted
opening in the horizontal stabilizer for the
vertical stabizer and test-fit the vertical
stabilizer to the horizontal stabilizer.
Test fit the horiz. stabilizer to its platform
at the top-rear of the fuselage. Remove the
Mylar at the bottom of the horiz. stabizer
to ensure a good wood-to-wood glueing
surface between the horiz. stabilizer and
the fuselage.
To ensure the horizontal stabilizer is parallel to the lower wing
visually compare the lower wing to the horizontal stab
Secure the horiz. stab. to the fusealge with
to hold the horiz. stab. parallel to the lower wing
Identify two identical plastic packets contain
supports which help to ensure the wings, struts and wing wir
may be safely transported and stored when removed
Nieuport 28.
As shown at the right,
test-fit the parts of the
two sets of wooden
wing supports.
Glue the wooden wing
supports together with
epoxy or aliphatic resin.
(Note: As shown above, when
completed, each supports’
curved wooden surface rests against and supports
bands or string to secure the wing supports to the
Securely glue the metal joiner into the each half of the elevator.
After the epoxy used to secure the horizontal stabilizere
to the horizontal stabilizer.
Guide the end of the elevator pushrod through the fuselage out of its opening. Test fit a
Copyright 20
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As you press the lower wing panels firmly against the fuselage,
lign the lower wing panel’s dowel pins with their openings
for the
is parallel to the lower wing,
the lower wing to the horizontal stabilizer.
Secure the horiz. stab. to the fusealge with 30 minute epoxy. Use masking tape
lower wing until the epoxy is fully cured.
packets containing all the parts for the wooden wing
ensure the wings, struts and wing wires
when removed from your
rests against and supports the bottom of the top wing and the top of the bottom wing.
ecure the wing supports to their wing panels.)
lue the metal joiner into the each half of the elevator.
e horizontal stabilizere to the fuselage has fully cured, use CA hinges to
rough the fuselage out of its opening. Test fit a control horn assembly to the elevator.
Copyright 2020 - N28 / RS051120
top of the bottom wing. Use rubber
use CA hinges to attach the elevator
control horn assembly to the elevator.