root rib at the leading edge and
-inch from the root rib at the trailing edge
Apply thin CA adhesive Harden the holes for
the free end of each wing wire anchor away from the fuselage as you tighten
two screws.
Remove the masking tape from the ailerons.
Slide the left and right pairs of wing panels
top wing’s center section enough to guide the
fuselage, then slide the pairs of wing panels
and fuselage.
Slide wing rods into the fuselage and test fit left and right wing panels. Use Max
pins to secure wings. For transportation, simply remove Max
wings out.
Attach the wing wire’s clevises to the wing wire anchors near the
of each lower wing panel (anchor points 1
Secure each clevis with a short length of silicon tubing
clevis and rod with epoxy.
Install wing wires between the upper & lower wing panels as s
illustrations. (Note: These drawings are for illustration only
As you guide the wing wires between
wire to ensure the wing panels do not become
uneven tension on the wing wires to warp the wings
Note: For clarity, the wing panel at the right
Copyright 20
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inch from the root rib at the trailing edge).
for these wing-wire-anchor screws. Point
of each wing wire anchor away from the fuselage as you tighten these
Slide the left and right pairs of wing panels away from the fuselage and from the
the servo extension wires inside the
slide the pairs of wing panels back against the wing center section
test fit left and right wing panels. Use Max-lok
pins to secure wings. For transportation, simply remove Max-lok pints and pull
wing wire anchors near the root rib
anchor points 1 and 5 on the diagrams).
with a short length of silicon tubing, then coat the
nstall wing wires between the upper & lower wing panels as shown in the following
are for illustration only – not to scale.)
between the numbered anchor points, adjust the tension on each segment
become warped. Although these wing wires are mostly
warp the wings, causing the airplane to not be safely controllable in flight.
at the right is shown removed from the airplane.
Copyright 2020 - N28 / RS051120
s, adjust the tension on each segment of the
wing wires are mostly cosmetic, it is possible for
not be safely controllable in flight.