of 18
Copyright 2015 – PT17 / S150209
Use the hardware provided with a standard-sized servo to install your rudder servo in the front/lower opening of the
servo tray as shown below.
Align the rudder to your elevator servo‟s output arm. Attach the rudder‟s pull-pull cables to the rudder servo using your
choice of either of the methods described below:
Draw the cables snug and use crimp tubes, as
shown below.
Draw the cables snug and use crimp tubes with threaded
rods and clevises to allow for fine-tuning adjustments, as
shown below.
Use the hardware provided with another standard-sized servo to
install the elevator servo in its servo tray above and behind the
rudder servo.
Attach a clevis and the elevator pushrod to the control arm
on the left side of the elevator servo.
Insert the metal elevator
joiner through the tail
section in the space
behind the horizontal
stabilizer as shown at the
Test-fit both halves of the elevator
onto the metal joiner. At the same
time, test-fit CA-hinges between the
elevator and horizontal stabilizer.
(NOTE: Use pins to center the CA
hinges and to ensure enough space
between each half of the elevator and the horizontal stabilizer so the elevator can move up and down freely
at least 2-inches/5 cm from level with the horizontal stabilizer.)
As shown at the right, install a control horn assembly in the the bottom of the right side‟s elevator and
attach an EZ Link connector to the elevator‟s control horn.
Apply CA adhesive to permanently attach each half of the elevator to its metal joiner, to its CA hinges and
to the horizontal stabilizer. Remove these pins after the CA adhesive has fully polymerized.
As shown at the right,
guide the tail wheel‟s
fairing over the tail wheel
strut and onto the tail.
Test-fit the tail wheel‟s
fairing to the bottom-rear
(tail) of the fuselage.
Secure the tail wheel‟s
fairing to the fuselage
using your choice of glue,
transparent tape or screws.
Guide the elevator pushrod
into the opening on the
EZ Link connector and apply 5-minute epoxy to the ends of the the elevator joiner.
Insert both halves of the elevator onto the joiner and slide the elevator‟s CA hinges into their slots. Immediately apply
CA adhesive to permanently attach the elevator to the horizontal stabilizer. Remove the pins from the CA hinges after
the CA adhesive has fully polymerized.
Tail wheel’s fairing