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Copyright 2015 – PT17 / S150209
Apply masking tape to hold each aileron aligned with its adjoining wing panel.
Select servo output arms long enough to extend fully beyond the
outer surface of the aileron hatch covers as shown at the right.
Attach an EZ Link connector to the outermost hole in each servo
output arm.
Use the hardware provided with your servos to attach the output
arms (and their EZ Link connectors) to your aileron servos.
Position the aileron hatch covers with their servos over the servo
bays as pictured at the right. Use glue or screws to secure the
hatch covers to their wing panels.
Insert an aileron pushrod into each EZ Link connector. „Point‟ the free end
of each pushrod toward the trailing edge of its wing panel.
Using the pushrods as your guide, mark and drill holes in the ailerons to
install the aileron control horn assemblies. (NOTE: Actual hardware
supplied for control horns may vary from that shown at the right.)
Thread a clevis onto each aileron‟s pushrod and attach these clevises to the
aileron‟s control horns. Remove the
masking tape from the ailerons.
(NOTE: Once you have adjusted the
ailerons, coat each clevis and pushrod
with epoxy to securely and safely affix
each clevis to its rod; also, as a safety
precaution, check each clevis before
and after each flight.)
Guide the 2 identical ends of a 12-inch
Y-harness out through the openings on
each side of the fuselage as shown at the
right. Connect its servo-like connector
to your receiver‟s aileron port.
(NOTE: If necessary, attach a servo
extension to the Y-harness‟ servo-like connector to reach your receiver‟s aileron port.)
As shown below, use wood screws to attach 2 wing wire anchor points to the bottom of each top wing panel‟s center
section. (NOTE: Harden these screw openings with thin CA adhesive.)
-inch (15mm) wood screws to attach the cabane struts to the bottom of the top wing‟s center section.
(NOTE: Position the longer cabane struts toward the front and the shorter cabane struts toward the rear.)
Slide the top wing‟s composite wing rods into their openings and midway through the top wing‟s center
section. Slide the top wing panels onto their wing rods. (NOTE: Carefully guide the Maxlok tabs at the root
ribs into their matching slots in the top wing‟s center section.)
Insert the 2 shorter Maxlok pins into their openings in the bottom of the top wing‟s center section.
Test fit the lower ends of the cabane struts into their openings on
each side of the fuselage. Align the carbon-fiber rods in the top
wing‟s center with the lower wing‟s carbon fiber rod and with the
horizontal stabilizer. (NOTE: If desired, at this time the angle of the
top wing may be set to 0 degrees relative to the lower wing and the
horizontal stabilizer by „fine tuning‟ the position of the cabane
struts on the sides of the fuselage.)
Locations of the top wing’s wing-wire anchor points