MS6261 User’s Manual
2. Use one of the arrow keys to move between options and modify the selected
options by using PgUp/PgDn/+/-keys.
A short description of screen options (Figure 3-6) follows:
PnP OS Installed
Choose Yes (default) or No. Select
if the system
operating environment is Plug-and-Play aware, i.e.,
Resources Controlled
Choose Auto (default) or Manual. The Award Plug &
Play BIOS has the capacity to configure all of the
boot, and, Plug-and-Play compatible devices
However, this capability means absolutely nothing
unless you are using a Plug & Play operating system
such as Win95.
Reset Configuration
Choose Enabled or Disabled (default).Select
to reset Extended System Configuration Data (ESCD)
when there is a serious conflict whereby the system
can not be rebooted which is caused by the
system reconfiguration of the new add-on card.
PCI IRQ Actived By
Use the default setting.
Select PCI-AUTO, ISA (default), or assign a PCI
SLOT number (depending on which slot the PCI IDE
is inserted). If PCI-AUTO does not work, then assign
an individual PCI SLOT number.
3. Press <ESC> and follow the screen instructions to save or disregard your
MS6261 User’s Manual
Load BIOS Defaults
Load BIOS Defaults option allows you to load the troubleshooting default values
permanently stored in the BIOS ROM. These default settings are non-optimal and
disable all high performance features.
To load these default settings, highlight Load BIOS Defaults on the main screen
and then press the <Enter> key. The system displays a confirmation message on
the screen (see the figure below.) Press the <Y> key and then the <Enter> key to
confirm. Press the <N> followed by the <Enter> key to abort. This features does
not affect the fields on the Standard CMOS Setup screen.