Chapter 3
Floppy Drive Seek
Choose Enabled or Disabled. Disabled
provides a faster boot and reduces the
possibility of damaging the heads.
PS/2 Mouse Support
When this option is set to
supports a PS/2-type mouse.
Password Check
This option specifies the type of BIOS
password protection that is implemented.
The settings are:
Setup: The password prompt appears
only when end users attempt
to run BIOS Setup.
Always: A password prompt appears
every time the computer is
powered on or rebooted.
The BIOS password does not have to be
enabled. The end user sets the password
by choosing the Password icon on the
BIOS Setup screen.
Boot to OS/2 Over
You need to set this option to Enabled
when use the OS/2 operating system
with installed DRAM greater than
System BIOS
BIOS copies the system BIOS from
ROM to RAM for faster execution. Set this
option to
to permit the contents of
the F0000h RAM memory segment to be
written to and read from cache memory.
C000, 16K Shadow;
C400, 16K Shadow;
C800, 16K Shadow;
CC00, 16K Shadow;
D000, 16K Shadow;
D400, 16K Shadow;
D800, 16K Shadow;
DC00, 16K Shadow
Disabled: The specified ROM will not
copy to RAM.
Enabled: The contents of the ROM area
are not only copied from ROM
to RAM for faster execution, but
the contents of the RAM area
can be written to or read from
cache memory.
Cached: The contents of the ROM area
are copied from ROM to RAM
for faster execution.