2.3 befoRe geTTINg STARTeD
Read the Owner’s Manual before setting up the Matrix Rower. Place the unit where it will be used before beginning the setup procedure.
The site should be well-lit and well-ventilated. Place the Rower on a structurally solid flat surface and kept a few feet from the wall or any equipment.
If the site has a heavy plush carpet, to protect the carpeting and machinery, you should place a rigid plastic base under the unit.
Please do not place the Rower in an area of high humidity, such as the vicinity of a steam room, indoor pool, or sauna. Exposure to intensive water
vapour or chlorine could adversely affect the electronics, as well as other parts of the machine.
befoRe yoUR fIRST Row
Consult your physician. Be sure that it is not dangerous for you to undertake a strenuous exercise program.
Improper technique such as extreme layback or jumping off the seat can result in injury.
Start each workout with several minutes of easy rowing for a warm-up.
Start your exercise program gradually. Row no more than 5 minutes the first day to let your body adjust to the new exercise.
Gradually increase your rowing time and intensity over the first two weeks. Do not row at full power until you are
comfortable with the technique and have rowed for at least a week. Like any physical activity, if you increase the volume
and intensity too rapidly, fail to warm up properly, or use poor technique, you will increase the risk of injury.
The best resistance setting for a great cardiovascular workout is in the range of 3-5. Rowing with the resistance setting too
high can be detrimental to your training program because it may reduce your output and increase your risk of injury.
Aim for a stroke rate (spm) of between 24 and 30 spm (strokes per minute).