8.3 TRoUbleSHooTINg - CoNSole No PoweR
Console No Power
1) SyMPToM:
Console doesn’t light after pulling the handlebar.
2) SolUTIoN:
1) Pull the handlebar and check if there’s DC Voltage output from the PWR EXT Wire pin 2 (+12v) & pin 3 (GND) - Figure A.
1.1 Yes, console damage, replace console.
1.2 No, follow next step.
2) Please use the electric meter to check the Generator 3 points (R/T/S) and see if there’s data whether between 2.53 ~ 2.07Ω (Figure B).
2.1 Yes, replace power control board.
2.2 No, replace Generator.
fIgURe A
fIgURe b