CH1+CH2” in parallel,the max voltage is the smallest max voltage of the
two channels. It is 31V.
Out timer
In serial,parallel and tracking mode,the out timer function will be disabled.
In serial,parallel and tracking mode,the Save/Recall function will be disabled.
Notice: When changed to serial,parallel or tracking mode,all channels will be OFF
and voltage will be reset to 0V.The channels configured to serial,parallel or tracking
mode will be add a label of “[ ]” in the display.
Power Information
(Shift) + , VFD will display power information; the information includes the
following parts:
Power Model
Display the model of power supply: MPS-6003LP-3
Soft Version
firmware version of power supply: Ver=1.XX-1.XX
Power SN
Display the serial number of the power supply: SN:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Calibration information
Display calibration information: 2005-8-26 17:46:13
Error Information
If error, press
(Shift) + , VFD will display error information, press any key to
display the next error message, If not, then continue to display information on above
(model, the software version, serial number, etc.)
Error message will be cleared in the display, but fault still exist.
4.7 Remote sense function
Remote voltage sensing is used to maintain good regulation at the load and reduce the