Table 9: Command Example
254 147 1
FE 93 01
Turn on "remember" function
254 81
FE 51
Turn on auto scroll. Since "remem-
ber" is ON, this setting will be saved
in non-volatile memory
254 147 0
FE 93 00
Turn off "remember" function
Any number of commands may be entered between the ’remember ON’ and ’remember OFF’ commands,
and all settings will be memorized.
6.1.2 Clear Display (254 88)
This command clears the display and resets the text insertion point to the top left of the screen.
6.1.3 Display On (254 66 [minutes]) (R)
This command turns on the display on for a time of [minutes] minutes. If [minutes] is zero (0), the
display will remain on indefinitely.
The factory default for display is on.
6.1.4 Display Off (254 70)
This command turns the display off.
6.1.5 Load Startup Screen (254 64 [32 characters])
This command sets and memorizes the startup screen which will appear each time the display is turned
on. By default the screen shows;
Matrix Orbital