3.3 Writing Text to the Display
When the display receives a character, it displays that character at the position currently defined. The
next character sent to the module then advances to the following position on the display. Characters are
drawn using the built in font, and only characters defined in the font are actually displayed. Characters that
are not defined by the built in font print as a space. An example of this would be that the cursor is advanced
for the next character.
The position where text is to be inserted is a character location stored in the display’s volatile memory
and maintained internally by the display’s firmware. This position is manipulated by the commands shown
in the following section.
3.4 Text Commands
In this section commands are identified by their names and decimal values.
Some commands, marked with an “R”, may be ’remembered’ to set new defaults that will be in effect
each time the unit is powered on.
3.4.1 Auto Line Wrap On (254 67) (R)
Enables automatic line wrapping. Note that this is not ’word wrapping’ and wraps may occur in the
middle of a word.
3.4.2 Auto Line Wrap Off (254 68) (R)
Disables automatic line wrapping. Characters beyond the end of a line will be lost.
3.4.3 Auto Scroll On (254 81) (R)
When auto scrolling is on, it causes the display to shift the entire display’s contents up to make room for
a new line of text when the text reaches the scroll position (the bottom right character position).
3.4.4 Auto Scroll Off (254 82) (R)
When auto scrolling is disabled, text will wrap to the top left corner of the display area. Existing text in
the display area is not erased before new text is placed. A series of ’spaces’ followed by a “Cursor home”
command may be used to erase the top line of text.
Matrix Orbital