2.1.4 Power through the DB-9 Connector
The display can be powered by pin 9 on the DB-9 connector. If power is applied here, power cannot be
applied to the other power connector. The input voltage for pin 9 can only be +5Vdc, even if the unit is wide
Failure to follow these instructions will result in the destruction of the unit.
The jumper shown in the Figure below will have to soldered to use the DB-9 connector for power.
Figure 9: DB-9 Power
2.1.5 RS-232 Communications
The RS-232 connector on the PC cable is wired so that a standard ’straight through’ 9 pin D-sub cable
may be used to connect the module to a standard serial port such as COM ports on PCs. Note that this device
complies with the EIA232 standard in that it uses signal levels from
12V to
12V and can be converted
to TTL levels as well. The display is set at 19.2Kbps default speed. Other settings are;
8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
2.1.6 DB9 Connection
A standard DB-9F is provided for RS-232 communications. Power may also be supplied via this con-
nector if desired.
Figure 10: RS-232 and Power Connector
Matrix Orbital