On the roller table, the sheets are transported to the next fold unit by means of rollers
which are positioned at an angle with respect to the register rail.
Proceed as follows when changing the format:
Loosen the handle (1) by turning it
Set the register rail (2) according to
paper size.
Tighten the handle by turning it
The alignment angle can be changed by turning the knurled screw (3).
The ball cage of the roller table must be equipped with plastic or steel balls.
The type and number of balls depends on the format and the type of paper.
A minimum number of balls should always be used. Balls not needed for a particular
job should be removed to avoid wear of the belts.
Operator's Manual
multipli 35
Buckle Fold Unit 35/2 and 35/4
Mathias Bäuerle GmbH
It is recommended to use the following balls:
for paper grades below 60 GSM:
Plastic balls
for paper grades from 60 to 150 GSM:
Plastic balls, every fourth should
be a steel ball
for paper grades above 150 GSM:
Steel balls
If the sheets are not aligned properly
against the register rail and tend to skew,
this can be corrected by means of ad-
justable ball cages (4).
Roller Table