Dimensions in Inches(millimeters) mate.com
Mate Precision Technologies • 1295 Lund Boulevard • Anoka, Minnesota 55303 USA • Phone +1.763.421.0230 • 800.328.4492 • Fax +1.763.421.0285 • 800.541.0285
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© Mate Precison Technologies Inc.
LIT01233 Rev B
Step 9
Adjust the Alignment Bar as needed per the indicator reading by gently tapping it by
hand or with soft faced hammer and re-check with the indicator.
• Zero is best but in most cases .025mm-.038mm or .001”-.0015” is good.
• If an adjustment is made, reset indicater to zero and tram to opposite end of the
alignment bar, note any change in the indicator reading,
• If additional adjustments are needed, proceed to re-adjust and re-check as many
times as needed to achieve an acceptable alignment.
10. When satisifed with the adjustment, tighten all accessible Flange Bolts up to a
torque of 40 N-m, 29.5 ft-lbf or 354 in-lbf on the Upper Assembly and Lower
Check the alignment by mounting a dial indicator to the rail or mounting a dial indicator with a magnetic base to a
sheet of mild steel (0.074”/2mm or thicker) clamped in the machine.
a. Position the dial indicator so the indicator touches the front surface of the Alignment Bar near one end of the bar.
b. Set the indicator to “Zero” for reference.
c. Tram or move the indicator along the front surface of the Alignment Bar towards the opposite end of the bar, noting
the change (if any) to the indicator reading.
Step 8b
Step 8a
Step 8c
11. Re-check alignment by re-tramming the Alignment Bar with the Dial Indicator.
• If an adjustment is still required, loosen bolts to be slightly engaged and re-
adjust accordingly with a soft hammer. Repeat steps #9 and #10 until results are