Filling the UV Unit with Water:
NOTE: Plug the 1” normally closed solenoid into a dedicated
electrical supply. This is only during the filling and disinfection
of the piping!
1. Open the inlet ball valve about 25% to fill the UV vessel slowly.
2. Open the inlet and outlet ball valve to their
open position.
3. Open cold water faucet in kitchen and run until all air is purged.
Shut off faucet.
4. Inspect for leaks and repair if any are found.
Disinfecting the Piping System with Chlorine:
The MWC-EM meter will drop from a 100% and start to
alarm once the chlorine is induced into the system! This is
common and is caused by the reaction when chlorine and
water are mixed and the UV meter eye senses interference in
the UV vessel.
Shut off the water to the inlet and outlet of the cartridge filter.
Remove the cartridge sump and empty all water. Fill with
household chlorine (Clorox, non-scented), 5.25% sodium
Re-install the sump to the filter assembly and open the inlet and
outlet valves.
Open the cold water faucet at the furthest point in the piping until
you detect chlorine odor. Once the odor is detected, close that
faucet. Continue this procedure until the chlorine odor has been
detected at every faucet. If chlorine odor is not detected at all
faucets, repeat steps 1 through 4.
Close ball valve on outlet of cartridge filter.
Allow the water to stand for at least (4) hours to kill the bacteria
residual in the piping system.
Unplug solenoid from outlet and plug into the lower right side of
the MWC-EM Meter Power Supply.
No water should be used during disinfection. **