SAFETY INFORMATION__________________________________________________
Please read and understand this entire manual before attempting to assemble, operate or
install the product. If you have any questions regarding this product, please call customer
service at 1–800–963–0211, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., EST, Monday - Thursday; 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Friday.
use this grill on a
hard, level, non-combustible, stable surface
(concrete, ground,
etc.) capable of supporting the weight of the grill. Never use on wooden or other surfaces
that could burn.
2. DO NOT use grill without charcoal rack in place. DO NOT attempt to remove charcoal rack
while coals are hot.
3. When grill is in use, keep
clearance of 36 inches
between the hot grill and any
combustible materials
, such as bushes, trees, wooden decks, wooden fences, buildings,
Do not
place hot grill under
roof overhang
or in any other
enclosed area
4. For
outdoor use only
Do not operate
grill indoors or
in an enclosed area
5. For
household use only
. Do not use this grill for other than its intended purpose.
Use of a charcoal chimney starter is recommended
to avoid the dangers associated with
charcoal lighting fluid. If you choose to use charcoal lighting fluid,
only use lighting fluid
approved for lighting charcoal
. Carefully read manufacturer’s warnings and instructions
on the charcoal lighting fluid and charcoal prior to use. Store charcoal lighting fluid safely
away from grill.
7. When using charcoal lighting fluid, allow charcoal to burn with grill lid and doors open until
covered with a light ash (approximately 20 minutes). This will allow charcoal lighting fluid
to burn off. Failure to do this could trap fumes from charcoal lighting fluid in grill and may
result in
a flash fire or explosion
when lid is opened.
8. Never use charcoal that has been pre-treated with lighting fluid.
Use only
high grade
plain charcoal or charcoal/wood mixture
Do not use gasoline, kerosene or alcohol
for lighting charcoal. Use of any of these or
similar products could cause an
possibly leading to severe bodily injury.
add charcoal lighting fluid to hot or even warm coals as flashback may occur
causing severe burns.
Place grill in an area where children and pets cannot come into contact with unit.
Close supervision is necessary when grill is in use