Pagina 8
When starting a job, you need to select on the monitor a fertilizer that is the equal or
similar to the one you are going to use. Inside the machine monitor, there is a list of
fertilizers, each of which is connected to a flow curve.
Each curve has been detected by means of appropriate practical tests.
The tests were carried out at 540 rpm with horizontal spreading discs and at a
height from the ground of 80-90 cm.
The data are to be considered as indicative as many factors can influence the
quantity supplied, such as for example: the different physical characteristics of the
fertilizer, purchased in different periods or from different suppliers or used during
periods with different weather conditions.
Please note that the manufacturer is not liable and it is not required to pay any
compensation for a failed or insufficient harvest caused by spreading defects.
In the case of a machine without a weighing system, if the product to be used is not
present on the monitor, you can choose a product with similar features and
subsequently correct the flow factor as illustrated above.
The fertilizer choice can be carry out by using the smartphone APP, going to the
"product" section of the electronically managed machines. In this section, next to
the name of the fertilizer / seed, there is an information button, with which it is
possible to display the relative technical data, in order to find one similar to that
used by the customer and then select it on the monitor (help with table below).
In the case of a machine with a weighing system, it is sufficient to select on the
machine monitor a product similar to the one being used and the electronic system
will carry out the correction to distribute the exact amount Kg / ha set by the user.
Furthermore it is possible, both on a machine with a weighing system and without,
to add a new product. For this operation, see the user manual of the machine and
the user manual of the monitor.
5. Spreading Charts for electronic machines
Repeat the previous procedure if it is necessary during the job. For the
computation it is easier to use integer values for worked hectare.
In case of reuse in the future of that fertilizer table, the correction applied
remains stored in memory for that table. Check that this Flow factor is
good for the actual job, because the fertilizer spreading depends on the
weather. If it is necessary repeat the computation of the correction factor.