Select Ok
To see if the port works enter *IDN?. This command will return information on the unit.
8.2 Changing Between Remote and Local Operation
There are three modes of operation of the calibrator, Local, Remote, and Remote with
Lockout. Local mode is the default mode. Commands may be entered using the keypad on
the unit or using a computer. In Remote mode the keypad is disabled, and commands may
only be entered using a computer, but choosing [GO TO LOCAL] from the menu on the
calibrator display will restore keypad operation. In Remote with Lockout, the keypad can not
be used at all. To switch modes proceed as follows:
1. To enable Remote mode, type in the serial command REMOTE at the computer terminal.
2. To enable Remote with Lockout, type in REMOTE and LOCKOUT in either order.
3. To switch back to local operation enter LOCAL at the terminal. This command also turns off
LOCKOUT if it was on. For more information on commands refer to the Remote Commands
8.3 Using Commands
8.3-1 Command types
Refer to the Section on Remote Commands for all available commands.
The calibrator may be controlled using commands and queries. All commands may be
entered using upper or lower case. The commands are divided into the following categories:
Calibrator Commands
Only the calibrator uses these commands. For example
tells the calibrator to measure voltage on the lower display.
Common Commands
Standard commands used by most devices. These commands always begin with an "*". For
tells the calibrator to return its identification.
Query Commands
Commands that ask for information. They always end with a "?". For example:
Returns the current modes of the upper and lower displays.
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