The 72442 braking module is specially desi-
gned for controlled braking of locomotives
with built-in digital, high-efficiency propul-
sion (ex. all 37xx, 37xxx and 39xxx locomoti-
ves in H0, all 55xxx locomotives in 1 Gauge
since 1995).
The following points must be kept in mind
when using locomotives with built-in uni-
versal electronic circuits (Delta module,
Maxi) or with digital decoders without con-
trolled speed functions (ex. 36xx locomoti-
ves, 6080 decoders, etc.).
1. Depending on the version of the electro-
nic circuit or external circumstances,
the locomotives will come to a stop at
the start of the braking area or will not
stop until they reach the stopping area.
If you operate your locomotives at high-
er speeds, then the stopping area
should be lengthened to at least 3
straight sections of track.
2. Locomotives that continue to run into
the stopping area accelerate partially in
the braking area. There are technical
reasons for this effect, and it cannot be
changed. Always keep in mind that the
braking module was as previously men-
tioned developed for the digital, high-
efficiency propulsion.
3. Many versions of the decoders that
cause the locomotive to run through the
braking area can be modified to stop this
behavior, so that they stop in the braking
area. The Märklin Service Department
will be happy to give you an estimate of
the cost to do this conversion.