Routine maintenance must be performed. The procedures listed below are neither
difficult nor time consuming. They will keep your system clean, your stock healthy.
Failure to follow these simple maintenance steps will adversely affect system
performance. This could lead to premature failure of some components and loss
of product.We recommend setting up a maintenance log to track procedure.
Check Tank for Fatalities and Weak or Damaged Stock.
Remove immediately.
Check Water Pump and BIO-Wheel Operation.
Observe flow of water to the BIO-Wheel Assembly. Make sure that water flow to the
BIO-Wheel is not blocked or restricted in any way.The BIO-Wheel should rotate freely
and remain wet at all times. Speed of rotation is not important. If a BIO-Wheel is
turning - regardless of the rate - it is working.
NOTE: A properly cultured BIO-Wheel is brown or discolored. There is no reason
to clean a BIO-Wheel or replace it - unless it is damaged. If removed from the
system, make sure that it is kept moist and exposed to air until you reinstall it.
If a BIO-Wheel is allowed to dry out or is inadvertantly exposed to a contaminant,
the bioculture may be destroyed. A precultured replacement can be purchased
directly from Marineland Customer Service (see back cover).
If water level is low and/or flow interruption is evident, turn off system, make sure all
Inlet Valves are open and check Pump Intake (in Sump) for obstructions. If no obstructions
are found, consult Troubleshooting Guidelines section in this manual.
Every Two Weeks (or as needed)
Clean or Replace BIO-Wheel Prefilter Pads and Replace Carbon Filter Packs.
Clogged filters cannot collect waste. Uncollected waste is returned to the tank and will
reduce system efficiency. In addition, keeping the Prefilter Pad and Carbon Filter Pack
clean and unrestricted is critical to the successful operation of the BIO-Wheel. It must
receive clean, prefiltered water to keep its aerobic bacteria healthy and thriving.
To change Prefilter Pads and Carbon Filter Pack, follow the instructions in the
preceding “Installing BIO-Wheel” section. Rinse or discard used pads. Replace Carbon
Filter Pack and rinse out Filter Trays before replacing.
NOTE: Remember to thoroughly rinse Carbon Filter Pack until water runs clear.
Wipe Down All Exterior Surfaces.
A vinegar/water solution (3 tablespoons vinegar to a pint of water) may be used with
a clean rag or paper towel.
use chemicals, soaps, detergents or harsh abrasives
on any part of the system.
Do not use cleaners inside or near the system at any time.
Inspect Display Tank and Sump for Algae Growth.
Algae spores enter the system naturally via tank inhabitants and light allows them
to grow. Although your system’s UV Disinfection Unit works to eliminate algae spores,
the more light you have, the greater the potential for algae growth.To remove algae,
simply wipe inside tank surface with a cloth, algae scraper or acrylic cleaning pad.
use soap or metal scouring pads. Keep a dedicated cloth for cleaning the inside
viewing area surfaces. It should be kept clean and isolated from other departments so that
it does not get contaminated by multiple task use.
Never Run Pump Dry!
This will cause it to fail and results in costly replacement.
Never spray insecticides within 20 feet of your system.
The resulting contamination could kill your product and destroy your
biological filter. If you must use insecticides, be careful to turn off and
cover the system with plastic tarp until the odor has cleared from the
area completely. Then don’t forget to turn the system back on.