A) – Water inlet from the pump
B) – Water outlet to return nozzle
C) – Waste water outlet
Connection without skimmer – top hole – hose from filtration into the pool; Bottom
hole – Hose from pool to filtration
ATTENTION: When installing solar panel, UV lamp and chlorinator in the filtration
circuit they must be connected behind the filtration device, for instance pool - fil-
tration -solar panel - pool.
ATTENTION: Finer sizes of filtration sand may appear in the pool in the beginning
of filtration cycle. This effect depends on quality of filtration sand and will disappe-
ar as soon as these fine particles are washed out of the filter. This is not a defect of
filtration unit.
Initial operation
Once the filtration vessel has been filled with sand fill and hoses have been connec-
ted according to the description above and system fully watered, the process of ini-
tial rinsing can be started to put the filtration unit into operation. Switch the filtra-
tion unit on and wait till it starts to suck the water. When the pump sucks water, the
backwashing process can be started. If necessary repeat the backwashing process.
ATTENTION: Due to safety reasons and prevention of flooding of filtration unit
check after connecting all the joints and sealing if seat well and seal correctly.
• Water from pool should circulate over the pump at least 3 to 5 times depending
on system size and load. The necessary time depends on filtration capacity and
pool size. When the pool is used intensively or with unusual pollution the opera-
tion period of the filtration unit must be prolonged.
• Impurities from circulating water are captured in the sand fill of the filtration
unit. If you add flocculant the filtering ability will grown and at the same time the
consumption of water improvement agents will be reduced.
• Switch the pump motor off.
• Set the six-way valve in the position >>4<< “Backwashing”
• Switch the pump motor on, after 5 minutes of backwashing the filter will be clean.
• Check visually the waste pipe outflow.
• Switch off the pump motor.
• Set the six-way valve to the position >>2<< “Rinsing”
• Switch on the pump motor.
• Next 30 seconds the chamber for clean water is being rinsed to the waste pipe.
• Switch off the pump motor.
• Set the six-way valve to the position >>1<< “Filtration”
• Switch on the pump motor.
The filtration system is prepared for further operation. Note the value on pressure gauge.