DMA Buffer Size
Via the upper slider you can adjust the minimal
tency of the TRACE PRO AE. Here, the size
of the buffer, shown in samples, is changed for
the audio transport between PCI bridge and
TRACE PRO AE. If you operate the soundcard
with e.g. 44.1kHz, 88 samples will result in a
latency of around 2ms. On 88,2kHz, this number
of samples would mean a latency of 1ms. The
cart “resulting latency” shows these connections
for some important samplerates.
The DMA buffer size is
always simultaneously
changing the latency for
the GSIF interface.
By activating “Play test tone at TRACE PRO
AE 1-2” a sine tone is played back at the
analogoutput on the TRACE PRO AE with –
bfs. Monitor this signal and adjust the value
for the DMA buffer to be as small as possible,
but without receiving distortions when playing
back the sine wave.
Important hints on
how to set up the latency
you will find in the
„hands-on“-part and
section “DMA bus master