off to exit either mode, it is never necessary to change anything on your pet’s tag;
it says on all the time and changes modes automatically.
Tracking Tips
If you are out in an open area with few houses or hills and your pet is within
range of the locator then tracking is easy – just start the tracking mode and
follow the arrow directly to your pet. If you are not careful you will run into
them or step on them! However, if you are in a crowded residential area and/or
an area with many hills, the radio signals lose their power much more quickly
and are blocked by some objects while being reflected off others. In these
circumstances you will need to master some techniques. Here are some tips on
tracking that will help you find your pet quickly:
When searching by car, drive slowly with the locator in Searching mode
and listen for the beeps to begin. If possible, make a loop around the
neighborhood. If you do not get any response from your pet’s tag then
make larger loops or crisscross the area to widen the search. Keep
pressing Select to restart the search when you hear the long beep
indicating the locator has timed out (about once every 2 minutes.)
When searching on foot, if the pet is not in range at first, follow the
direction you usually go when you walk your pet. Restart the Searching
mode by pressing the Select button when necessary. Moving to higher
ground when possible will extend the range of the system
Once communications with your pet’s tag have started (i.e. the locator is
beeping once every 4 seconds) use the directional display to determine
which general direction to proceed. If you can not get a directional arrow
take the following steps:
Make certain you are holding the locator in front of you, waist high
and level to the ground.
If possible, move to a clear, unobstructed area away from buildings,
automobiles, hills, etc. Higher ground is always better if available.
If you do not get a reading facing one direction, turn 90 degrees and
try again. Once you get a directional arrow, always turn to face
directly in that direction, with the arrow straight ahead. Walking
away from the tag will not produce good results.
When you first get a directional indication it is best to qualify it to
make certain that you are moving towards the tag and not away from
it. To do this, turn your body so that the arrow points straight ahead,